Latest Episodes

Web Superpowers Activated! (did:webs, Part 1)
did:webs is an interoperable more secure version of did:web, applying the principles of KERI to layer on additional security while retaining usability. Today on...

DIDs for Any Crypto (did:pkh, Part 2)
did:pkh is the minimalist multi-blockchain DID method, designed to work with any blockchain with minimal fuss. Today we talk with two of the authors–and...

DIDs for Any Crypto (did:pkh, Part 1)
did:pkh is the minimalist multi-blockchain DID method, designed to work with any blockchain with minimal fuss. Today we talk with two of the authors–and...

Live from the Computer History Museum (IIW 36)
Today on the show we talk with the co-founders and co-organizers of the Internet Identity Workshop: Doc Searls, Phil Windley, and Kaliya Young, about...

Web's Go Crazy (did:web, Part 2)
did:web takes advantage of existing World Wide Web infrastructure for DIDs. Instead of relying on a distributed ledger or embedding key material in the...

Web's Go Crazy (did:web, Part 1)
did:web takes advantage of existing World Wide Web infrastructure for DIDs. Instead of relying on a distributed ledger or embedding key material in the...